WWOO B2B memberclub
Here you have access to all downloads of WWOO Outdoor Kitchen. Choose one of the downloads below, fill in the form and we will email you a link to the download.
As a WWOO member, you benefit from our marketing support and full assistance during the sales process, allowing you to focus on providing excellent service to your customers.
365 days WWOO visuals
Additionally, you gain exclusive access to inspiring content, such as beautiful photos and videos that we create throughout the year during various seasons. Whether it’s about WWOO setups in a compact urban garden or gardens around luxury villas—ranging from sleek, modern designs to lush, green natural gardens—we offer endless possibilities.
As a WWOO B2B member, you are allowed to use this content in your proposals and on your social media, as long as the company name WWOO is clearly mentioned. This saves you time and resources in marketing while enabling you to use high-quality content to persuade your customers.
Customer service
We also offer training to provide you with extensive product knowledge. Interested? Please contact Kelly Versluis for this. From installation to maintenance and usage tips.
WWOO Worldwide
+31 (0)85 489 62 62