153,50 Inclusief BTW


The Green Dutch Oven round for the Big Green Egg is rightly a tough one. This enamelled cast iron casserole stews, simmers, boils, bakes and roasts. A real all-rounder! You can use the lid of the Green Dutch Oven separately as a shallow baking pan or as a mold for cakes and desserts. The Green Dutch Oven is available round and oval.

What is stewing in the Green Dutch Oven? This multifunctional casserole is a godsend if you are making coq-au-vin, soup, chili or (for dessert freaks) a crumble or cobbler. It can also be used in your regular oven and will only get better with age. You can proudly put it on the table thanks to the beautiful finish. The oval Green Dutch Oven has a capacity of 5.2 liters (35 cm). The round Green Dutch Oven has a capacity of 4 liters (23 cm).


What’s a WWOO?
WWOO is the multifunctional modular outdoor kitchen that fits into any garden.Β The patent design makes WWOO the ultimate outdoor kitchen, which you find inΒ gardens all over the world. Design the WWOO as a free-standing outdoor kitchen, incorporate the WWOO in your boundary, outdoor spa or create the ultimate outdoor lounge under your porch. WWOO is the unique, stylish and low-maintenance outdoor kitchen solution to enjoy your garden 365 days a year.

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