With the Big Green Egg Round Drip Pan you collect released fat, moisture and leftovers so that they do not end up on your charcoal or convEGGtor. If you fill the round, aluminum drip pan with a layer of water, the humidity inside your EGG will increase and your dishes will become even juicier.

Groep (41 patiΓ«nten) had duidelijke stoornissen van zowel de algemene vegetatieve als de perifere vegetatieve informatie tonus met vasculaire stoornissen in het bekken; en de derde groep bestond uit patiΓ«nten (39 patiΓ«nten) bij wie neurologisch onderzoek chronische.

 27,50 Inclusief BTW


With the Big Green Egg Round Drip Pan you collect released fat, moisture and leftovers so that they do not end up on your charcoal or convEGGtor. If you fill the round, aluminum drip pan with a layer of water, the humidity inside your EGG will increase and your dishes will become even juicier.

Get more out of yourΒ Big Green EggΒ with our range of accessories. What are your wishes? Which products are on your wishlist? Discover which accessories suit your model, how to get the best out of the ingredients and how to increase the possibilities of your EGG.

Grilling chicken releases quite a bit of fat and moisture. No problem for the Round Drip Plan. Place a Ceramic Poultry Roaster or Vertical Poultry Roaster in the drip pan and place it on the grid of your Big Green Egg. The Round Drip Pan has a diameter of 27 centimeters, is of course provided with a non-stick coating and can handle temperatures up to 232Β°C.

There are plenty of options to complete yourΒ Big Green EggΒ andΒ WWOO outdoor kitchen: a sink, wooden storage boxes, wooden cutting boards… the choice is yours! Design and collecet your ultimate outdoor kitchen essentials based on your garden, needs and budget.


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  • De echte pizzabakker herken je aan zijn zelfverzekerde houding en zijn professionele gereedschap.

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WWOO is Premium Big Green Egg-dealer. Zowel online als offline hebben we alle Big Green Eggs voor je beschikbaar.

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